The Artwork

Character images at the beginning of each chapter are generated by the author using publicly available artificial intelligence programs and are under a CC0 license.  Visit the page entitled "The Characters" to view these images.

Additional artwork used throughout the blog, including the image at the top of every page, is attributable to Jan van't Hoff and is used via The Gospel Images Project.  I highly recommend that you check it out!  These images are used according to the conditions laid out by the project, and express permission to use the images was also obtained.

Artwork from the Gospel Images Project:

Abram's altar at Hebron - Genesis 13:18

Abram's altar at Hebron - Genesis 13:18

Melchizedek blesses Abram
- Genesis 14:18-19

Melchizedek blesses Abram - Genesis 14:18-19

Offspring Promised to Abram - Genesis 15:5-6

Offspring Promised to Abram - Genesis 15:5-6

Birth of Isaac - Genesis 21:1-3
Birth of Isaac - Genesis 21:1-3
Abraham sacrifices Isaac - Genesis 22:10-11
Abraham sacrifices Isaac - Genesis 22:10-11
The ram on the mountains of Moriah - Genesis 22:13

The ram on the mountains of Moriah - Genesis 22:13