About The Stories

God Promises Offspring to Abraham

 About the Abraham Stories

The Genre

This is not systematic theology,
It's not science,
It's not history,

It's not really a commentary,
It's not exactly a historical fiction novel, though that's getting closer.

It's something like midrash;
It's a dream about our ancestors and the God they met.

Let's call it a collection of midrashic daydreams about the father of many nations.

The Inspiration

Few ideas in these stories are original to me, while much within them comes from various ancient sources. 

These stories are of course heavily inspired by the Torah, and are further inspired by the midrashim. 

They draw heavily from Genesis Rabbah throughout, in addition to various other sources. 

Additional research using various encyclopedias and other resources was necessary to fill in historical information.

The Goal

There is a reason why the God that called Abram out of Haran is still worshipped by more than half of the world's population to this day; and why the Bible consistently remains the world's bestselling book.

My hope is to inspire wonder, curiosity, and genuine interest in the greatest book of all time and the God who gave it to us, and to encourage believers to look at the Bible in a new way.


This is a work of imaginative speculation.  Opinions, beliefs, and attitudes expressed by the characters in these stories are not necessarily those of the author.  Furthermore, events portrayed are not necessarily historically accurate.

Stories may not be suitable for young audiences.

The writer of these stories is also the author of "God is the Judge", a commentary on the book of Judges in everyday English. You can buy it on Amazon here.