Chapter 35: Maleb

Maleb, Lot's Daughter

Setting: Genesis 13:13

Warad is what they call a “handsome devil” and I am pleased that he is handsome, but I am not pleased that he is a devil.  God forgive me for even saying it that way, but the man is not morally upright, not at all.

One does not need much education to know that offspring are produced in the course of certain natural behaviors, performed in certain traditional ways.  Warad surely must want sons, but he is so enamored with certain… nontraditional behaviors that he has not acted in a manner that would prolong his family name.

What more is there to say about him?  I am supported well enough by Warad and by Lot, and what are they to me but a husband and a father?  An impregnator who does not impregnate and an elder who lacks wisdom.  Oh, God forgive me again.  I know it is as hard to be a man as it is to be a woman, if not more so in this wretched place.  I was happy when we first moved here, but the more I learn about this world the more I wonder if Noach did us a favor or a curse by outsmarting the gods and prolonging our misery.

Perhaps only when I take my last breath will I be fully equipped to make that judgment.  And oh, God, before that breath comes, please give me a son.