Chapter 20: Jabari

Jabari, Pharaoh's Magician

Setting: Genesis 12:14-20

There is wisdom in what Senusret has done, but only shame on the liar Abram. 

Let Abram keep those many sheep and asses, for it is an abomination to live among such beasts.  The shepherd is always moving from place to place in search of grass, never settling down in one place to build a proper society.  The land of Hapi, of Khnum, Anuket, and Satet, enriched with the blood of Osiris, is not a land for such filthy creatures, but for wheat and barley, flax and spelt, a land of culture and of agriculture, and of beautiful, dignified animals like the ox.  Not like those dirty Abiru who live like the animals they herd.

And let Abram keep his infertile women, and his infertile god, as well.  Good riddance to them all.

It is a testament to Senusret’s divine wisdom that he discovered Abram’s trick, and a testament to his character that he immediately sent the woman back to her husband.  Let future people judge who is righteous, the lying nomad or the good and upright king of Egypt.